“Who Would You Trust With Your…?”
One of the highest compliments you can pay someone is “I’d trust you with my life.” Now, Facebook is giving you the opportunity to top that sentiment with “I’d trust you with my on-line life.”

Memorialized Facebook Page
Responding to feedback from its users, Facebook has installed a “Legacy Contact” feature which allows you to choose someone to manage your account after your death. If you click on “Security” under “Settings”, you will now see the option “Legacy Contact.” Here you would enter the name of the person you wish to contact Facebook of your passing. At that time, they would be allowed access to your page which would become memorialized. The word “Remembering” would be on the masthead next to your profile picture. Your legacy contact would have the ability to post pictures, write details about any services and could respond to others posting memories and messages of support.
Connecting on-line has become an integral part of our lives from birth announcements through notices of someone’s passing. “Sometimes Facebook can be a person’s “go-to” place for fulfilling their sense of community. It’s only natural then that they would want to share the experience of their loss there as well,” said Delaware Valley Cremation Center Owner Bill Sucharski. “It’s a meaningful way for that group of friends to come together to mourn, remember, support each other, and share good memories..and that is all conducive to a healthy process of grieving.”
Privacy is also considered with this option as your legacy contact cannot post as you or be able to view any previous messages. If you are not comfortable with a memorialized page, you can select “Account Deletion.” Once a friend notifies Facebook of your passing, no one will able to view your profile again.
Tags: cremation, Delaware Valley Cremation Center, Facebook, grieving, legacy contact, memorial