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Paul B. Mulvey

Prof.Paul Brendan Mulvey left this world on December 10, 2018 at St.Mary’s Medical Center. He lived a rich & full life, always in pursuit of higher learning with love, thought & careful consideration for others. He leaves behind his adoring wife Barbara, with whom he shared an unconditional & enriching love that made both of their lives so much more meaningful. They traveled the globe, soaked in vast amounts of culture & the arts, & explored the greatest parts of love with one another. With her, he fathered two remarkable sons (Paul Brendan [Kathleen, daughters Shannon & Fiona] &
William [Allison, daughter Kaila Amelie])
that were given the invaluable gift of a head start through
this existence from his learned teachings.
He always strove toward perfection daily, trying to learn
more about the human condition; his search continues.

He began life amidst very humble beginnings in Central Falls, RI, born to William & Delia Mulvey &
running with his pack of 4 uncategorizable Irish brothers James (d.2017), Russell, Bill (d.2009) & Kevin.
He broke away as an independent entity to create his own view of life and the world. His first career
was as teacher, fell in love with the profession & found a true affinity for it, culminating in the very
popular history-humanities program he created at Bucks County Community College. His second
career started on a student’s dare due to his animated & entertaining lectures, and he went on to
become a very talented & committed professional actor, both in local & regional theatre as well as film.

Whether through his theatre performances, professorial lectures, or dinner parties, his legacy remains
in those he enriched, entertained, and shared his view of the world.

He lived, he laughed, he loved. He prized his family above all else. Now he is gone, though he will
always be with us; his life lives on in the collective memories of all he touched.”